The paranormal investigators of central New York

The paranormal investigators of central New York

Voices heard in empty rooms. Feelings of being watched when alone. Objects moving when nothing is touching them. People seen one moment then gone the next. It seems that as long as humanity has existed the paranormal has sat just outside of our understanding of the universe beckoning to be explored by those who hear […]

Goodness theory

By Hal McKenzie   Jan. 28, 2003 Several science articles that have appeared on the Web lately suggest that an air of almost religious fervor is sweeping the scientific world. With the application of computer science, also known as cybernetics, to biology, physics, and social science, scientists are in effect coming to grasp the reality of […]

Picking our fights: Goodness theory

By Hal McKenzie    January 30, 2003 Several science articles that have appeared on the Web lately suggest that an air of almost religious fervor is sweeping the scientific world. With the application of computer science, also known as cybernetics, to biology, physics, and social science, scientists are in effect coming to grasp the reality of […]

The Raelians: Religion or ruse?

By Hal McKenzie       January 21, 2003 A simple blood test could prove whether or not the followers of Rael (the former Paul Vorhilon) actually cloned a child as they claim, but since they have conveniently backed down from allowing such a test, the question remains in doubt. The Raelians have made it abundantly clear, however, […]

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